Rosny Park
Located in Rosny Park’s retail centre, less than 6km from the Hobart CBD, this property presents excellent exposure to a significant amount of passing traffic, whilst offering an extensive three street frontage along Bligh Street, Gordons Hill Road and Ross Avenue.
Originally two adjoining large format retail properties, Riverlee purchased the property in 2017 and 2018 across two transactions, and redeveloped the site into a multi-tenancy precinct in 2019.
The first property purchased was 27–31 Bligh Street – a vacant ex-Bunnings trade centre. This site was redeveloped from a single tenant offering to a four tenancy retail centre. The adjoining site, purchased in 2018, remains a single tenant. The lifestyle precinct houses a diverse mix of tenants across five-tenancies, which includes Super Cheap Auto, Anytime Fitness, a medical centre, a pharmacy and Mission Australia.
- Commercial
- Completed